Technical Information Center

DE600 & DE600M Dereelers and Winders

Model DE600

Reel slips on shaft
Check that cones are properly adjusted and tight.
Use dog arm for added force transfer.
Shaft will not turn
Check that clutch assembly is not too tight.
Check for burrs on shaft caused by parts and not being tightened onto flat of shaft.

Model DE600M

Reel slips on shaft
Check that cones are properly adjusted and tight on shaft.
Use dog arm for added force transfer.
Shaft will not turn
Check that clutch assembly is not installed on shaft. This is used only for DE600.
Check for burrs on shaft, caused by parts not tightened to flat of shaft.
Check that belt is properly located on pulleys and that pulleys are tightened on their shafts.
Check that the belt is tight enough. If not, lower the motor assembly slightly.
Motor does not function
Check power supply.
DE600 Product Page
DE600M Product Page
Download Operating Manual
Technical Documentation: Dereelers

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